Friday, 22 March 2013


As I plan to do more often this year, I had a ''landwatch'' from the top of Nelson Hill this morning. 60% of the patch can be seen from the top of the old pit heap and on a clear day you can even seawatch! Although I am yet to clearly make anything out from there.

There wasn't much today as snow flurries kept blocking my view and the howling wind made it hard to hear anything. The highlights were a drake Mallard flying north and eight Waxwings perched on the scrub at the base of the south side of the hill. They soon took off and landed in a garden in Nelson Village.

I checked Browckwell scrubland on the way back but only found a pair of Song Thrush and a Great Spotted Woodpecker.


Johnnykinson said...

How long did you last up there ? I was on the Rising Sun pit heap yesterday on arrival and just before i left but only lasted fifteen minutes the first time and the wind was cutting through my 3 layers. I couldn't see much as my eyes were constantly watering.

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm not a bird watcher but today my attention was drawn to a tree next to the library in cramlington. I think it was the bird song that must have drawn my attention. WhenI looked up I saw a flock of birds I'd never seen before (about the size of a starling but with a pointed crest). I've been trying to find out what they were and I think they must have been the WAXWINGS that you've been refering to.

Crammy Birder said...

I only lasted an hour, watering eyes not usually a problem on Nelson Hill as it has the strange ability to make you catch your breath out of nowhere. Must be something to do with the wind direction.

Waxwings sounds spot on Brian, amazing birds that sound like an old fashioned telephone when they call. I have had them in those same trees before and the berry bushes outsdie the Pheonix.